Thanks for applying for a discount for the

Certified Esports Club Sponsor course.

Expect an email within the week on the next steps to receiving the discount code.

Here is how the discount works!

HSEL/MSEL/GenE partner schools can either receive a 100% off coupon or 50% depending on what route you take with your esports program.

Info about the discount for this course:

  • Step 4 - Certified Esports Club Sponsor - Course Costs (Worth 2 PD hours)

    • $200 for anyone to take Step 4, but HSEL/MSEL partnered schools can apply for a discount.

      • You can apply for the discount here.

    • If you have an HSEL Unlimited pass or MSEL Unlimited pass, then you qualify for THREE FREE codes to take this course.

    • Any clubs that are an HSEL/MSEL/GenE partner and have played in a season or are signed up for the next season can receive a 50% off discount code making it only $100 for the course.

  • Becoming an HSEL/MSEL/GenE partner school is FREE. All you have to do is complete a phone call with the HSEL/MSEL/GenE Success Team to set your school up for HSEL/MSEL through this link and then you can register your players for competition.

More information about HSEL, MSEL

Take any of these FREE online courses to learn more or send them to your administration.

Step 1 - "What is Esports?" Free Course (Worth 1 PD hour)

​Reminder, these courses were created by a non-profit charity to help schools, students, and educators with esports programs. The fees to take this course goes back to support low-income schools with access to STEM education through esports clubs.​ You can donate here.