Our Mission

VEF strives to create an inclusive, safe, and aspirational network of gaming communities for all.

About the VEF

Founded in December 2018 the Videogames and Esports Foundation (formerly called the "Varsity Esports Foundation”) was created by a group of esports professionals from the Kansas City area. The Foundation brings unity to the esports industry as the first non-profit built from necessity. The esports industry has been and will continue to grow faster than expected. The foundation works to be proactive through its initiatives and leading the next generation of gamers.

Vision Statement

We are working to bring experts from across the globe to get data and amass awareness of the positive impacts of gaming and work against the common misconceptions and stigmas of gaming. We are also leading individuals and organizations to pursue best practices in esports.

Purpose Statement

​We provide grants and scholarships to disenfranchised students, educators, game designers, streamers, and organizations in the gaming and esports industry. We strive to increase literacy around the esports industry’s positive impact on healthy lifestyles, mental health, community, and STEM.

Foundation Initiatives

  • Diversity & Inclusion

  • Cyberbullying

  • Mental Health


  • Healthy Habits

  • Addictions

  • Belonging

  • Suicide Prevention

  • Internet Safety

  • Digital Citizenship

Foundation Goals

  • Build a network of inclusive gaming communities

  • Create scholarship opportunities for students within these communities

  • Ensure a safe and supportive environment for players at every level

  • Promote gaming literacy across the ecosystem

We aim to promote diversity, equity, and inclusion in the scholastic space by connecting with gamers through esports. We serve BIPOC, LGBTIA+, Latinx, and all pronouns.

Healthy Habits
By getting students involved within their school esports clubs, we want to be proactive in educating students about healthy gaming habits.

Allowing students to play games in schools in a safe environment with a teacher, rather than alone at home helps them to see the potential in STEM subjects and pursue higher education and careers.

By helping students improve their grades and attendance through esports, we can get them to connect with their fellow classmates and inform them of the consequences of cyberbullying and toxicity.

Meet the Team

Meet our Advisors

  • Mason Mullenioux

    High School Esports - Co-Founder and CEO

    VEF Co-Founder and Board Chair

  • Dr. Kristy Custer

    Former Complete High School Maize - Principal

  • Christopher Turner

    Southern University Lab School - Esports Coach and Teacher

  • Heidi Albin

    Learning Design Manager, Gaming Concepts Curriculum Author - HSEL

  • Peter Moeller

    Scarinici Hollenbeck, Attorneys at Law - Chief Growth Officer

  • Dr. Michael Russell

    Former Complete High School Maize - Esports Coach and Teacher

  • Dr. Kristen Craft

    KS Principal of the Year 2021. Acct. Exec & Ed Coach.

  • AbdulRasheed Yahaya

    Unified Esports Association - Chief Business Development Officer

  • Natalija Krstova Celebor

    High School Esports League - Project Manager

  • Trevor Jensen

    Bullibone - CEO

  • Mark “Garvey” Candella

    Twitch Student - Director

  • Claudia Carranza

    Esports Coach and High School Teacher

Our Services

  • Professional development, training and research in esports.

    Take our five-step course led by Coach Alne, a former Pro-Esports player, college esports coach, K-12 esports mentor, and the CEO of Esports on TikTok.

  • Temporary Restrictive Fund Program

    The VEF also has restricted fund options for organizations to build funds for their esports needs. Partners are able to accept tax-deductible donations from sponsors into their VEF-restricted fund. Those partners are able to choose where dollars are spent toward esports events, scholarships, or grants.

  • Speaking, Panels, Presentations, Interviews

    VEF can provide its Executive Director to attend conferences, interviews, meetings, or conventions. We can help your organization with esports literacy in any industry. We are here to help you.