Accessibility Advocacy in Higher Education
Students still have their own autonomy and that should come first. But do your best to be a friendly face and a helping guide when the situation calls for it.

Startup Culture Shouldn't Last Forever
The path to stability and relevancy for collegiate esports doesn’t start with burning every bridge behind you

How might Women in Games International empower underrepresented genders working in gaming to increase DEI within the gaming industry?
How might Women in Games International empower underrepresented genders working in gaming to increase DEI within the gaming industry?

Don’t Just Invite Me to Your Committee
How tokenization manifests itself throughout collegiate esports and higher education

A look ahead to DEI in Collegiate Esports for the 2023-24 school year
Reflecting on the progress of the past year and the looming challenges ahead

Your Performance is not Your Value as a Person
How I worked through this struggle and some suggestions to help yourself or others

STEM Education for disenfranchised students through Esports
In recent years, STEM education has become increasingly important for college and career readiness.

A Path Forward for DEI Practices in Collegiate Esports
Where I believe collegiate esports stands now and where it needs to turn

Effects of the Implementation of a Video Game Curriculum on Attendance and Student Perceptions of Their Engagement
It is widely documented that engagement in the school community and attendance are critical factors in academic success for students. It is also widely documented that over the past decade gaming has exponentially increased in popularity around the world.

Is Participation in Esports Beneficial to the Attendance of High School Students?
Dissertation Manuscript
Submitted to Northcentral University School of Education in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY
La Jolla, California January 2021

How did the Videogames and Esports Foundation become an organization?
Bubba has been a gamer ever since childhood as his Dad worked at Radio Shack. He is a self-proclaimed “NERD”. His passion for disenfranchised families, games, technology, sports, music, events, and serving others guides him as he leads the Videogames and Esports Foundation.

From Minecraft to College Scholarships……is this really happening?
From Minecraft to College Scholarships……is this really happening?